Technician Training Update 

Starting in January 2021, Cummins will offer multiple training levels that Full-Service Location technicians can take advantage of, including a new web-based repair course.  Full-Service locations will have the opportunity to train each of their service technicians to the appropriate level rather than focus solely on Full-Service qualifications for each technician trained.    

The goal is to provide training in alignment with the needed technician skillsets for the types of repairs technicians perform while providing a technician career path that is not duplicative in the curriculum Cummins provides. In turn, this will create a service network where all repairs are performed by technicians trained at the appropriate level for the service events being conducted and a sustainable approach to training that can adapt to the future product, business changes and needs.

What will change?  
  • Lower up-front cost in training technicians on new products.  
  • The ability to train technicians remotely and gain limited warranty capability without attending a face to face instructor led class. 

What will stay the same?  
  • The minimum requirement of one Full Service Qualified technician for each product associated with a service locations WWSPS profile for location certification requirements. 
  • The Remote Instructor Led Qualification will not replace the requirements for face to face instructor led training a technician to achieve Full-Service qualification.